Saturday, October 18, 2008


Something happened to me on that 5K this morning. I was only about 1.5 miles in...going up a hill and my left calf went out. It felt like a noodle. Then sharp shooting pains shot down my lower butt through my leg? I used to get those pains when I was very pregnant-sciatic pain. wtf?! The calf thing is new. I am still in pain and it's 2 in the afternoon. So anyway, I stopped in the race and tried to stretch it out. My calf felt really tight. I tried to run on it and no can do. The pain shot through me it was terrible. I had to walk the rest of the way. I felt like and idiot. It hurt so bad though I wanted to cry. My husband almost came onto the course when I didn't show up after 40 minutes. 43 minutes later I hobbled to the finish and didn't want to cry, but made husband get the car. I immediately drank water came home put my foot up and put ice on it. I don't know. I've been doing ice and heat. My inner calf seems to be ok. It's not spazzing like it was. I still have a pain on the outer calf-not constant, but it shoots out if I move my foot in a certain direction. DAMNIT! Big race is 26 days away.

So, I am going to take it easy over the next few days-see if I need to see a doc if it's not better? I don't know. So, I'm loaded up with Motrin and I just might have to bust open a few of the pumpkin ales that are chilling in the fridge.

Terri tagged me with her awesomeness. Here are my answers.

Rules: Each player answers the question themselves. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blog and leaves them a comment letting them know that they’ve been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Let the person who tagged you know when you’ve answered the questions on your blog.

10 Years Ago (1998):
1. I was 22 years old.

2. I was living in secret with my boyfriend-who is now my husband.

3. I went back to school after partying my way out the first time. I learned when you pay for things yourself, you actually go to class! Imagine!

4. I started a bartending/waitress gig. Pretty good money!

5. Watched my Dad beat cancer.

5 Things on Today’s “To Do” List:
1. Run 5K in less than 30 minutes. Um-didn't happen.

2. Get together lesson plan ideas for meeting at the Museum on Tuesday.

3. Watch OU/KS. Drink beer to ease pain.

4. Make lasagna.

5. Drink more beer to ease pain.

5 Things that I would do if I were a millionaire:
1. Pay all debts/secure boys future funds.

2. Pay all Brandon's Medical bills, etc. Set nephews up with future funds. Buy Missy new house (with WOOD floors! lol!) Pay off parent's debts. I'm pretty sure they are still paying for my wedding. Set bro and rest of family up.

3. Give a ton of money to Heroes for Children and set up a branch here in OK.

4. Provide money for local after school art programs in the city.

5. A few things for ourselves. I'd buy a ranch for hubby and build a massive walk in closet for me and all my NEW running shoes! :)

5 Places I have lived:
1. Buffalo, NY

2. Edmond, OK

3. Norman, OK

4. Oklahoma City, OK

5. Would like to live in Colorado! (Maybe on that ranch!?)

5 Jobs I have had:

1. Babysitter extraordinare.

2. Beer cart girl at a golf course.

3. Waitress at Applebee's Restaurant.

4. Bartender

5. Worked at a law office-besides my husbands.

Oh, but did I mention my new job? Very excited to be taking on a few classes as an instructor this spring at the Oklahoma City Museum of Art! I've helped fill in for a few classes and events and have had a great time. I am so thrilled. It's one of my very favorite places to be!

Oh look! It's almost kickoff! Go Sooners! Time to open that pumpin ale. Catch ya'll later!


Chris said...

If it was me, I wouldn't wait too long to make an appointment. I recently had to take 7 weeks off due to a bum IT band; if I had waited to see a doc, it would have only been longer.

If you want a recommendation, check out Dr. Daniel Clinkenbeard at the McBride Clinic. He is a Sports Medicine doc and a former marathoner so he understands what we are going through!

I hope you feel better and keep us posted.

Anonymous said...

i am so sorry, I didn't include you in my shout-outs last night, I just KNEW i was going to leave someone out - so sorry!

yeah i would get that checked out soon.if it makes you feel better when i went out for my long run today (whopping 8 miles, as i taper back up for the half-marathon in a few weeks) i think something happened to my knee and it still feels weird now, 12 hours later.

i hope you are feeling better soon! and definitely get into the doc soon.

ashley said...

Thanks for the encouragement. One of my fears was getting hurt before the race...better get it checked out. Good luck on your 1/2! Boomer Sooner.

Anonymous said...

Oh no Roni! :( I'm so sorry you are hurt! I really hope it's nothing major, i know how excited you are about the upcoming race! Pumpkin Ale?! That sounds fab! Who makes it? I'll have to try and find some for next week! :)

Thanks for including me in your lottery plans! teehee! :) You are the most awesomest sister ever. Love and miss you! Call you next week xoxox