Thursday, October 23, 2008

:( Route 66 Half for me. I saw an Orthopedic Dr. and I have partially torn my tibialis posterior tendon. I have some swelling and the brusing on my foot leads the Dr. to believe I have not just strained it, but partly torn it. It's not completely torn or I wouldn't be walking at all. I cannot put any pressure on my left leg alone. After 3 weeks if I am not better I will get an MRI and probably have surgery. I can't tell you how disappointed I am.

What I thought was shin splints on that leg has really been straining this tendon the whole time. I was doomed. So, now I just have to heal and hopefully I will be back on my feet soon. Now I am to slowly start back on with a bike-water exercise no running. Not really even walking. (ha! snort! Try that with a running two year old!) Need to keep leg elevated as much as possible. :( I am so sad. Running has been a big deal to me. The races have really been a huge accomplishment for me, especially since I am a stay at home mom. Anyway, thanks for checking in on me. Hopefully next post won't be such a pity me.


Chris said...

Oh no. I was sad to read your post this morning. And in light of your injury, I think you deserve a couple of pity posts. Keep us posted.

ashley said...

I agree with Chris. Pity away...maybe you can keep your cardio up enough by the bike water to still get a race in this year. I know there is a marathon in Springfield, MO around the's flat there.

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I am so sorry! That totally sucks. My running partner has been doing a lot of that running in the water/feeling like a duck, for the last several weeks now - try to get a really good song going in your head before you jump into the water, that is my advice.

i like how your little kids seem to take care of you. very cute.