Monday, October 6, 2008

Day blog!

I know. First of all, what am I doing blogging during a weekday!? Did I finally get a new home computer? Well, no. Not yet. Husband left his here with me since he was not going into the office this morning. He had to be up early for a hearing a few hours away. So, here I am. One kiddo is at school and the other is watching Toy Story. I should be doing laundry or making beds or anything but sitting here on my butt. However, I never get the computer during the day! So what have I done? Looked at Runners World, looked into booking my hotel room for the Route 66 half, caught up on blogs that I read, searched for Spiderman slippers for child no 1., pretty much just being worthless.

Yesterday I forgot to mention one of the great things I have gotten out of running. The fact that both boys, even at only the age of 2 and 4 have really taken to it. They have their own races in the front yard and tell me to cheer for them. Child no. 1 even stretches and takes water breaks. I love that I am passing along such a healthy and wonderful past-time! Child no.2 loves to run around and says, "I'm fast! Fast and fast and fast!" Makes me smile.

Speaking of fast and fast and fast! Wouldn't I like to be? :) All I can do is work a little harder. I am curious about a training group one of my friends is doing through Fleet Feet. She says they have really helped her-short and long distance-I might get some info on it to train harder for my second half-which will be the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon in April. I am not setting unrealistic goals at all for the half in November. It is going to be a big accomplishment for me to finish. I'd like to just keep up with a pace group. I'll stay between the 2 hour and 2.5 hour group and try that. I am more nervous by the day. Can I really do this? I'm also needing to figure out food. So I really need to pop gels etc for a half? I don't want to have another Clif bar incident so I need to try these things out now! That's about it. Computer time is over. I am being called to put together train tracks! Run on!


Anonymous said...

Yep, I think you need to pop gels even for a half marathon. If you're running for more than an hour, you need some extra supplementation. I pop one before I start, then I did another at abou 5 miles, and another at 9 or 10 miles, when I did mine a few weeks ago.

Try one or another on your week night runs before you run (if it's only about 5 miles or so that you are doing) and see how your stomach handles it - that way you will likely be close to home (and a bathroom if needed.)

That is so cute about your kids with the water stop, ha ha ha. That really made me smile.

Anonymous said...

You are so awesome Roni! I rode my silly little excercise bike today and when I was tired after 5 sad minutes I thought of you running, pushing on with a big smile of determination on your face! :)

P.S. Boohooo! Poor OU, they are TEH SUCK against TEXAS!!! LMAO! :P

Miss you and love you so much! seestor! xoxoxo