Saturday, August 2, 2008

So what!

I talked to my brother the other day. He is at the ripe old age of 22. I am 32. I told him about my last race and how excited I was to have my best time. He asked what it was. I told him. He laughed and said, "you're not telling people that are you?"

I felt embarrassed for a moment. Then I thought, NO! So what! At least my ass IS running!

Ohhh, and I noticed something really cool on my Nike tanks. I noticed the label said Nike +. I was like, what??? Then I kept looking at this plastic piece on the back of the shirt-midback. It came to me suddenly and I went and grabbed my ipod. Yesssss. The cord snaps into a little groove in the back. It keeps it from swinging into my face. Way cool. I'll take a pic of it soon to show you!

New runs coming up soon!

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