Sunday, August 3, 2008

easy 3

Back to the beginning of my training program for the half marathon. This morning I ran an easy 3 miles around our park. The hills are pretty good. You think it would be flat, but it's not. I didn't run with my iPod, which always drags things out, but I did it. It was a nice morning, besides the heat. I tried out my water belt. I have not run with it before. I felt kindof nerdy, but kept hydrated. I only took water after each mile. I'm trying to go longer without it... but got spoiled by running at the treadmill-water very handy. Of course I have pretty much just been road running since the treadmill really flares up my shin splints. How are they anyway? Well... my left is aggravated. It hurts until I get about a half mile in, then goes away. I found a really good article though and have been doing these exercises daily to help-or so I hope. At least the pain in my right leg is no more! yay!

Oh, here is that article. Shin Splints

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