Saturday, August 23, 2008

Run with the Bulls

Not my best. Not my worst. Good run this morning at the OKC Stockyards for the Run with the Bulls. (No bulls were out, but maybe there should have been! Would have moved me faster!) The weather this morning was great. Picked up my packet, got my chip and hung out with my boys until we lined up. As the time got closer I kissed my cheering squad and the boys went with Daddy to have chocolate milk and donuts...a racing tradition!

Lined up mid to back. Gun went off and I felt good...til I hit that first incline. Let's just say I need to do some hill work. It busted my butt. I loved watching the sun come up over Oklahoma City-it was a great view. Reached the turnaround point and was glad to have some flat ground. I knew I was not doing my best when I glanced down at my watch. Then a man about a hundred years old flew by me. Then a blind runner passed me. Not my best day. Then it was the return of the hill. Hills are evil.

I saw some familiar Landrunner faces and my next door neighbor was out. He had a great time of 24 minutes! He is a marathoner and is the one that pushed me to join Landrunners. I hope I can learn a lot from everyone.

I hit the second water stop and still felt good, I was just more tired. I know this is because I have not been running as much as I should. This is changing this week though as I seriously start the 12 week program til the half. As I drew closer to the finish line I saw my sweet boys-husband and 2 little ones-all cheering my name. I couldn't do it without them! Crossed at 33:26 106 out of 159 female runners. 16 out of 19 for my division. Guess I have work to do. I have to get below 30 minutes!!!!!!!!!!! Long run tomorrow with a friend. Gotta get my 5 miles in-I know that's not a long run to most-but it's my half schedule. OH- what is my program anyway? Hal Higdon's half marathon for a beginner.

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