Sunday, March 2, 2008

Today's workout

An extremely windy day today got me into the gym to do today's miles. Being out with the flu for a little over a week, I was surprised at how out of shape I felt already! According to schedule, I was to run 6 miles today-Sundays being my long runs. I did do 6 miles, but I only ran 3 of them. I didn't want to overdo it since being sick.

For my 30th birthday my husband got me an iPod. I wanted the 30gb so I could put ALL my music in holds like 7800 songs or something ridiculous, but when you love music, it's not so ridiculous afterall. Anyway-I prefer to run to music. So, my friend told me I needed to look into Nike+.

I did and I am really disappointed in the fact that you have to have a Nano. Soooo frustrated. I'll just have to use this as my log. Maybe sometime I will get a Nano just for that reason, but it's not in my budget right now.

Today I listened to my dance mix. I listed to all sorts of music, but often when running, I prefer a techno/electro... fast beat. Todays power song was "Destroy Everything you touch" by Ladytron. It came on, and my running boosted to do a 8 minute mile. Did I mention I'm not really about speed yet? I'm just here to finish, we'll work on speed later.

Tomorrow is a strengthen and stretch day...I'll be up at 5:30 to hit the gym. Back tomorrow!

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