Saturday, November 1, 2008

November? Really!?

Where did October go? Seriously. I cannot believe how fast the month went by. We have been so busy here. Between birthday parties and Halloween activities I wonder how I would have had any time to run at all.

Halloween hoopla is over. Bring on Christmas! I see they are already putting up Christmas decor around the city. Yikes. I'm getting over my non racing whining-sortof. I just feel sorta useless not racing-especially since there are so many good races coming up in the next few weeks! I will volunteer at one of them-just need to figure out what will work with our schedule. At least that way I can cheer some runners on! I know some of them need those few words of encouragement. I think it will be cool.

My ankle is still sore. Yesterday was the first day that I could walk halfway normal. I'm not noticeably limping anymore. Stairs are still difficult -putting that much pressure on the one leg hurts. So, hopefully I'll be back at the gym this week-biking and elliptical. NO running, no treadmill, no stairmaster. We'll see how it goes. I did listen to one of my running playlists the other day. It's like getting over a breakup or something. lol. I'm weird I guess. I don't really listen to most of my running music on a regular basic. I guess because it's for running. I listen to more laid back stuff normally, but not for running. That's totally different. My playlist always begins with Number 1 by Goldfrapp. So, when I heard the intro the other day I wanted to cry. God I'm a baby. I feel guilty for being such a whiny butt. I never thought I'd miss running. I think there was a time that I would have been thankful for a bum ankle so I wouldn't HAVE to run! (highschool) Sigh.

But, like I said. We've been busy. We had parties at the boys school and did the trick or treat thing last night. My Mom makes costumes every year for the boys and this year they were pirates. ARGH!


Now I just need to stay away from all the candy and we'll be fine! :) Anyway, good luck NYC Marathoners! Good luck to all the runners out there this weekend! Run on!


ashley said...

It's amazing how missing a little time makes you realize how much you enjoy running? When I was down a couple weeks over the summer it made me realize I really enjoyed running. Weird. You'll be back before you know it.

Anonymous said...

The kids look really cute in their costumes!

Wow, your injury sounds really bad if you are still limping, it really is better you don't try to do anything that is going to put lots of pressure on it.

Funny that you don't listen to your music other than when you are running. Sometimes I listen to my iPod at work because it makes me think about running (or doing anything other than work) so it lifts my mood!