Saturday, April 19, 2008

One week!

Well, all is well here! I am so excited for next weekend. I decided not to do the half. Realistically, I am just not ready. Thankfully, my friend offered me a relay spot with OKRunner and I think it will be perfect for me! I am doing the 10k first leg of the OKC Memorial Marathon. (click on enlarge map to see my route!) So, I get to start the race-6:30 am and run through my neighborhood. It's perfect! And it will give me a better base to prepare myself for a half down the road.

I got some new scoots. Very excited to have met Craig at OKRunner. He got me set up in some Saucony Omni 6's. He was able to tell right off the bat what my problems are. I roll in. I have almost flat feet. I need support and stability. He hooked me up! Also got my race gear. The OKRunner relay teams are wearing the Nike Livestrong collection. I got shorts and a shirt-awesome. The cool part about that collection is that proceeds go to the Lance Armstrong foundation. I am all in for beating cancer. It's a beast. My dad beat his battle with prostate cancer and my 2 year old nephew (Brandon) fought his hepatoblastoma battle and won. Read his Caringbridge journal. What a fighter!!!!!! He is an AMAZING inspiration and sometimes when I run if I'm hurting I actually think of him and he pushes me through it.

Been keeping up running, last night I only did 2.5. Had to try out my new shoes, and I didn't want to get blisters. No blisters. No rubbing and I could really tell that the shoes tried to help me from rolling in. The inside of the heel on these shoes is a bit taller-so the shoe tries to correct this problem for me.

I have been searching around online a lot for articles. This one bothered me. The Most Annoying Runner Ever at Runner's World. While some of it is funny, and I even agree with some of them, I think most of these people are runner snobs and seem to have forgotten they they too were once beginners. At least these annoying new runners are RUNNING! We are not sitting on the couch. We are works in progress. Help us along. I don't know, it just got under my skin.

So, those Redbud results....38....gulp 05. 92 out of 149 women for my age group. 573 out of 970 women. Blech. Not typical and I'm not going to let it get to me. Everyone has a bad day and that was mine. My sweet husband told me, forget about it! I did...sort of.

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