Monday, April 7, 2008


I am my own worst critic, but I am bummed! Met my dear friend Chandra yesterday an hour before the race yesterday. It was a beautiful day-70 something degrees. I'm guessing there were about 5000 people or so. We made our way to the line up and inserted ourselves around the 9 minute pacemark. I had just run a 5k in 32 minutes on Thursday, so I was wanting a 31 minute goal finish time.

Didn't happen.

I had my worst time ever. I couldn't even run the whole thing. My body said no, no, no! I was dehydrated. Hit mile 1 no problem, but I was really needing that water. No water. Then all my mind kept thinking about is, where is that water? Water, oh water!? About a half mile later there was water, but she couldn't even keep up with the people, so I waited for about 30 seconds. I picked up my pace again... ran about another mile and body need energy. Your gas tank is almost empty! I don't know what was going on with me! I'm really not trying to make excuses, but I didn't eat that much-worried about an upset stomach. I guess I am just used to running in the morning, so I know how to fuel myself for that. Anyway, I walked again and not even Kanye could get my butt moving. 3/4 mile out I ran again. I was tired. I could hear the finish line. I glanced at the clock feeling defeated. We'll see the final results online, but I saw 38.something. BLAH!!!!!

Found Chandra and her husband-looked for mine and my boys. Finally caught up with them and they looked so proud. That made me feel better, but I couldn't help but beat myself up all day. I just have to tell myself I did it. I did finish and hopefully I'll also have learned something from this. Eat more, drink more and return to my old playlist, lol.

Will post pics and official time later.

1 comment:

Chandra said...

I officially nominate you for membership into O.A. - Overachievers Anonymous. We are our WORST critics, but don't blame yourself, blame the heat/humidity!!! It was AWFUL.