Saturday, September 13, 2008

Slow Poke

Well, I can make up several excuses for why I SUCKED so bad today at the Geico Race for Freedom 10K. I really almost cried and I am so upset with myself. Embarassed! I am very critical of myself, so I think I'll have a party. A Pity Party!

My "Why I sucked today" excuses:

*Super High Humidity. I could barely breathe!

*Tired! Husband is out of town and I have not been sleeping well. (of course I blame myself for reading that damn vampire book until midnight!)

* No cheering squad. :( With husband out of town, I had to leave the boys with their Gran. I missed seeing all of their faces.

* Pee pee dance. At mile 4.5 I thought I was going to pee my pants. I really thought about jumping behind a bush.

*Blister. I can't complain about my shins because they did fine. I did however acquire a blister on the side of my arch on the inside of my left foot. My foot was on FIRE! (And no, I didn't get new shoes, I wasn't able to get down to Norman in time.) I do wear sweat proof socks...what's the deal?

*Wacky course. (this is stretching) The course was pretty odd. I hate not knowing where I am running, it makes it seem so loooong!

and finally. Truth be told. I am just slow! Not this slow though, geesh!

For the embarassing numbers...
My watch said 1:15:40.
DG says 1:17:40

13 out of 15 for my age group. then this is weird though, for the female totals I am last. What about those 2 females in my age group that are behind me? Whatever. I have work to do and need to just tell myself at least I got up and ran. I did feel good, just walked a lot and that is okay. I finished.

1 comment:

Chandra said...

Definitely do not be so hard on yourself. I blame the high humidity for sure! It was rough yesterday. Sorry I wasn't there to cheer you on!!