Thursday, March 19, 2009


Well, so far I haven't really done that much running. I've run nothing more than a 5k on a treadmill, but hope now that the weather is nice, to actually get some miles on the streets. I am still pain free and want to keep it that way! Trying to build strength and just get back in good shape I'm at the gym early in the morning. Today I tried a spin class. They say it's best burner next to running! It was strange. I've never cycled before. My legs were able to handle it but my butt was not. Man, that seat killed my butt! I was surprised how intense it was. I was dripping sweat. Dripping. That is awesome. I will go to this class again (and it's offered several times a week).

So, for now I am having a lot of fun trying some new things and just mixing it up a bit. Wish I had an exciting race report, but I am still waiting til April. April isn't that far off! Happy running out there!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

step class=beat down

First of all, it's freaking arctic here this morning. It was like 80 degrees a few days ago. Weather here is nuts.

Did a step/strength class this morning at the gym. Thought I'd "mix it up" a bit. Holy beat down! It was an awesome workout! I was a little lost with some of the steps, but I think after a few classes I'll get it. Go back after such a beat down you say? Most certainly!

We did step for about 40 minutes, then arm weights, then abs. I felt myself engaging muscle groups that haven't been used like that in a while. I also have a feeling I better take some Motrin and wash it down with a cup of Joe. I do NOT like getting up at 5:35 in the morning! Well, the kids are eating breakfast and it's off to take one to school! Have a great day!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Our neighbors have this tree-not sure what kind it is- right now it is shedding green crap all over our yard. and is making me sneeze. It is blowing everywhere, covering our cars. I hate it. It has those pesky little "helicopters" that fly off and plant mini seedlings all over each year as well. I'm sure it's not the only think making me sneeze, but I swear the second I go out the front door, it starts up. I even took my Alavert this morning. I love that stuff by the way!

So, I did another 5K on the treadmill this morning. took a little bit off the last time. 34.05. Still doing a little walking, but overall I'm happy! Did a little arm strength and ab work. No strength for legs today. The plan is to be up early for a step strength class in the morning. I have not done this class before, but I'm going to check it out! I need a little widget to track my miles-like for the week month, etc. I've seen a few-any suggestions?

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Early bird gets the worm

Alarm went off at 5:30 this morn. I cringed because I was scared it would wake our two boys-and I don't think Mr. would forgive me for that. I stared at it while a little voice said, hmmm, you can sleep for 30 more minutes...oh hell, the other voice said, get your ass out of bed.

I stumbled to the bathroom, I had set out all my clothes last night. I kinda wished I was out to pound pavement, but happy I was going to the gym. Grabbed my ipod, which needs to be updated and made the quick drive.

It wasn't too busy and I hopped on a treadmill. Hit the 5K program and warmed up with a little walking. I couldn't help it, I wanted to run. I did. felt awesome. Finished it in 36 minutes. Not bad for my first 3.2 in 4 months-and i did walk a little. Don't want to overdo it! I was thinking to myself though, I can totally do this. woooo!

Weightlifted-got to love the Fitlinxx program at the Y. They keep track of all cardio and pounds. I lifted 13,000 lbs! Did some quick ab/ball, lunges and step action and looked at the clock-had to get home so Mr. could get to work!

Off to beautify myself at the hair salon today-think I might get some new shoes while I'm out too- along with one of those runner sticks?

Hope everyone is having a great day!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Operation Boot Camp

Not much to report yet. My youngest has been sick-really sick and Mr. was out of town. I have to say though, this Mama is hittin' the gym starting tomorrow for some serious boot camp gotta lose 10 lbs asap.

4 months of not running, sorta not really working out has taken it's toll. Of course the urgent need to lose a few is also brought on by a decided beach vacation with friends in June. I figure no prob. By then I can lose 15 if I want to. Tomorrow is the day.

A friend of mine is trying to get me to do the OKCMM half with her. It's at the end of April. I know I won't be ready to run it by then, but she really isn't either. So, she's trying to talk me into walking/running it. It def won't be one for the record books but it's such an amazing atmosphere that I hate to miss it. What to do, what to do.

I also have 1 month til that 10K I'm signing up for. Bring it on!!! I am excited.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Total Inspiration

2 words: Matt Long

All I can say is that I could not put down my lastest issue of Runner's World. Wow. At one point I actually hid from my munchkins in the laundry room (while I cried) so I could finish reading it in peace. I couldn't stop reading it, and it is a great story, and written very well.

Did I actually complain about my torn tendon? Sheesh. Nothing on what Matt Long went though-and countless others in their own various battles just to live. It is a reminder of how lucky most of us are to be healthy athletes.

So I am back. It has been a while and I have watched runners wistfully for over 4 months, waiting to rejoin the ranks. I am a beginner all over again, but that is fine by me. Just happy to be back.

Ankle God of OKC a.k.a. Dr. Kammerlocher told me to start back SLOW. Part of my injury occured not only because I have flat feet, but because my calves are very tight-this caused my tibalis posterior to work twice as hard-which caused the tear. I have been working on lots of stretching to help. I am not to do any calf strength training at this time. So, like a beginning runner, I am coming back at it slow. I have decided not to do a race until April. There aren't many in March that I think I can be ready for anyway. So, April 5 it is, and I think I'm going to do the 10K. Last year it was hot and there didn't seem to be enough water stops. I will remember that for this year!

We are all ready for my return. The boys keep asking me when I'll race next-I think they just want powdered donuts. They have all been really good in helping me recover and properly heal. If it wasn't for the Mr. telling me to take it easy, I would probably still be out!

In the meantime I am just going to run around our park, which is a good mile around and maybe head to Lake Hef trails...etc. Just in time for good weather, if it ever comes back!